Load Measurement
Test Weights
Legislation exists for the periodic test and inspection of lifting tackle and overhead equipment. We have an assortment of weights available for carrying out on-site load tests.
Crane Weighers
Crane weighers are available with a clock gauge or digital readout. They can be suspended from lifting equipment and provide accurate easy-to-read load measurement wherever there is a need to know lifting or loading gross weights.
Oil filled, they are suitable for hazardous and arduous working environments. They are compact and of extremely robust construction. They are also useful as a maximum load indicator when pulling, dragging or lifting
Digital Load Links
Lightweight and simply installed, available as a kit with shackles and remote read-out if required. Several models exist, all calibrated to give the required scale of readings. They can be applied to almost any application from monitoring straight lifts to overhead line tensions.
Your requirements
If you would like further information about our services and the products we supply and install, why not contact our office and we can then discuss your requirements.